“I wish people would care more. not about refugees, but about everything. You know, that’s conscious living, in the present. Be more conscious about your neighbors, be more conscious about people at the bus stop waiting for the bus with you. Be more conscious about yourself.”

Foreign insiders is about migration, in every sense of the word.

1 in 20 residents of the Czech Republic is a foreigner. That includes immigrants, expats, EU nationals, asylum-seekers, refugees, economic migrants, aliens, outsiders, and every other kind of “other.”

What is a Foreign Insider?

Our name comes from the writer and Asijatka blogger Do Thu Trang, who spoke with us in Episode 4, “Vietnamese Lessons.”

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Morgan Childs

is an American journalist who has reported on the Czech Republic for The Atlantic, GQ, BBC, POLITICO, NPR, and many other places. She has lived in Prague full-time since 2011.


Giuseppe Picheca

is the director of Some Like It Short, a short film festival in the Czech Republic. He holds a Master’s degree in Human Rights and Democracy in South-Eastern Europe and spent six months with the United Nations OHCHR in Brussels. A native of Taranto, Italy, he lived in France, Spain, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, and Germany before settling in Prague.
